Monday, March 05, 2007

To Teach or not to Teach...

Last time I presented in class, I took cupcakes. It was a fun presentation, mine was about the "product lunch" as a method of [adult] continuing education for architects and interior designers. I researched product representatives and instructors certified by the AIA (American Institute of Architects) and interviewed one who was pleasant to speak with and who was able to answer my questions. I took this information to class with a "snack" rather than lunch, good enough for a 15 minute presentation.
I must say after my recent knowledge increases in adult education that I have an increasingly amount of respect for teachers and instructors. Not that I felt negatively, but was indifferent and ignorant to what they really did in life. My MFA in design is a terminal degree, which will provide me credentials to teach adult courses at colleges and universities. Coming into my graduate degree I felt I only wanted to learn more about architecture, design and focus on interior design. Teaching had never crossed my mind. Over the last week I have taken an exam and have prepared a lecture to present this week, except I wont be taking cupcakes. I will be taking a lecture which I put together, a test that is part of the lecture topic I was given "The Imaginary Science of Chemopatetics" yes... its imaginary and a bit confusing. Its been interesting filtering the information and putting it into a lesson plan that will reach out to those visual and audible. I only hope that I convey the message appropriately.

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