Monday, February 15, 2010


For Valentines Day this year, I got to see the musical "NINE" at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art Theater. It was showing as part of the Oscar Nominated Film tribute held by the Film department in the Museum.

I have not often visited the Museum for films, a few during graduate school for design courses, but this one was purely for fun. After seeing the previews and learning about the fabulous cast of the musical, I wanted to see it. But after learning about the eye candy that was to be, I was intrigued and wanted to see it even more.

Aside from the music, it was a beautiful film visually, and I have to hand it to Danielle Day Lewis for his mostly believable Italian accent.

The film reminded me of Rome and when I visited this past summer. It was the most beautiful and upbeat place I have ever been. I would be happy to live there with only a Vespa scooter, a train ticket, and Tula. Oh, and maybe a job in a fabulous Italian Architectural office, too.

The architecture and costumes in the film were most magnificent and I enjoyed seeing Kate Hudson in a lively role. She has become one of my favorite actresses. (Perhaps yes, I am fascinated by chick flicks)... But the cast was spectacular too with Fergie, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Marion Cotillard, and Sophia Loren.

I missed it while it was on it's run at the box office, but I am glad that I had the opportunity to pick it up at the museum.

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